Archive for December, 2014

How New will the New Year be for YOU?


What will 2015 bring to us?  Does anyone really know?  Can anyone predict the future with 100% accuracy?  Certainly no human being on planet earth today is able to tell the future with pinpoint precision.  It is simply impossible to know what the next holds, or even the next month, day or minute.  We simply plan and progress through the year trusting the Lord.

 What we can know with 100% accuracy is what happened in 2014.  We can look back over the year that behind to see what happened and what we did in light of it.  New Years Eve is a good time to reflect upon the past year.  Today or tomorrow take time to reflect and then make plans for the year ahead.  See what you did well and decide to strengthen that area.  See what you didn't do well and decide to improve that area.  You and I have an opportunity each year to make changes in our directions that would better honor the Lord.  Yet, remember, you can make changes anytime throughout the year.  It's just that at the beginning of the year it is as natural time to do it.

James, the brother of Jesus, says in his Epistle, "Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit."  Yet you do not know what your life will like tomorrow.  You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." (4:13-14)  While it is good, proper and godly to make plans and to seek to accomplish those plans, we need to be sensitive to the Lord's will.  Maybe the Lord would want to change our plans or cancel our plans.  Because He alone is the Wise One, we need to be ever aware of His will first.

As you enter 2015 let me encourage you to do what James says a little earlier in chapter four.  In chapter four verse 8 he says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  Being close to the Lord we can be assured that we can hear His voice and feel His hand upon our shoulders.  If His desire to change our course of actions, being close makes it simple.  Be sure, therefore, that you spending time in God's Word and presence.  Pray, pray, pray throughout 2015 for His directions and blessings.

Will 2015 be a "Happy New Year"?  Only if we walk in obedience to His will will we experience His joy in our hearts.  Make 2015 a joyful year by drawing close to Him. 

Christmas Thoughts

Well, Christmas is here again.  Are you ready?  If you're not ready by now you've probably waited too long. :-)

As you enter into the day I want to encourage you and your family to,take some time to reflect upon the birth and life of Jesus Christ. Maybe you could gather your family together to read the account of the birth of Christ in the either the Gospel of Matthew or Luke.  These familiar passages would be a great place to start the day.  

Many would say that the Gospel of John doesn't have a birth record.  Yet, the Apostle John says, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." So much truth is couched in those few words.  "Became flesh" is the entire story of the the account of Mary's visit by the angel to the visit of the angels to the shepherds.

Then, the words "dwelt among us" covers everything from His birth to His Ascension back to heaven.  Please take time to consider all that Christmas contains.

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas. 

Do you believe in miracles?



Do you believe in miracles?  One of the popular Christmas movies is "Miracle on 34th Street."  Like most Christmas movies, the plot line is centered on someone who doesn't believe in the "miracle" of Christmas.  By the end of the movie our main character believes in Santa Claus and her life is fulfilled.  She repeated the phrase, "I believe, I believe."  But, is this the type of miracle that Christmas is actually all about?

When we think of the real story of Christmas we see many many miracles in the story.  Some of these miracles is the perfect fulfillment of certain prophecies, some written over 6000 years before they came to pass.  The prophets declared such things as the birth place, guest, tribe, and even family of the coming Messiah.  The particulars from a very general promise of the coming of a Saviour to specific details as to His birth.  Yet, though these events are miraculous in their fulfillment people would rather choose to believe in man-made miracles and deny God-made miracles.

Maybe the greatest of all the miracles of Christmas is the virgin birth of Christ.  To a young, Jewish girl living in the northern Israeli town of Nazareth a visit from an angle happened.  She was told that she, of all the Jewish girls, would be the mother of Messiah.  Yet, she knew a problem existed that seemed impossible to overcome;  she was a virgin!  However, the angel told her that with God all things are possible.  So, Mary became pregnant without the involvement of a man.  And, ever since, man has denied this miracle as happening.  To believe in Santa Claus is ok.  But, to believe in a God powerful enough to allow a woman to give birth to a baby without benefit of a man is too big of a stretch for most people.  

Sunday we will look at this miracle among others.  During our choir presentation of the collection of songs entitled, "Come, Let us Adore Him," I will point out some of these miracles.  As we come to adore and honor Jesus Christ, I want us to be reminded that God is the God of miracles.  These miracles of real.  

Do you believe in miracles?  What kind are they, fake or real?  Let's remember that Christmas is about God coming to our world and fulfilling prophecies of old.  Let's give Him praise.

What do we do with precious things?


What do we do with precious things?  Normally, we treat them carefully and protect them cautiously.  

What would you do with a 45 carat diamond?  Nearly 400 years ago a very special diamond was found in India.  Once it was found it became a most sought after gem stone.  Passing through many hands over the years it eventually became the property of the Smithsonian Institute in 1958.  This diamond, known as the Hope Diamond, is on display for all to see.  As the picture above shows, it can only be seen and not touched.  Many admirers come by to wonder what it would be like to touch it, handle it or even own it!  It is heavily guarded and kept away from human touch.  That, my friends, is what we do with something we consider precious.

Yet, how different it is with the most precious Person this world has ever seen.  Unlike the Hope diamond, which is not able to be touched or handled with human hands, the Apostle John tells us in 1 John 1:1-4 that Jesus was seen, touched, handled and manifested to us.  John says that Jesus dwelt among us and was seen.  His life was not "under glass" or so guarded that we can not touch Him.

During the Christmas holidays we are able to investigate our hearts to see what it is we treasure most.  What motivates us to even celebrate during this season?  Are we more focused upon the gifts rather than The Gift?  Isn't it interesting that Jesus talked about the "pearl of great price." But, He wasn't talking about the Hope Diamond!  Jesus is referring to the value of the gospel message being presented to us.  The value of the message of salvation was also described as a hidden treasure by Jesus.  How valuable do we treasure the message of Christ.

Sunday we will look at the subject of what we treasure, especially through the eyes of the Apostle Peter.  If you can take time this week to read the books of 1 and 2 Peter, please do so.  As you read, note the various places Peter talks about what is precious.  For a man who lost sight of what is most valuable, only to regain his perspective, we can learn what we should hold dear.

During this season, investigate Jesus.  Put Him to the test.  I have no worries that He not will prove to be just who He says He is.