Mother’s Day

mother's day

We all have one.  No one could be here without one.  Some are better than others.  But, we all need one.  Of course I'm talking about our mothers.  Dads are not needed, see Jesus' birth!  But, moms are indispensable.  We couldn't be born without our moms going through nearly nine months of pain and torture! 

Most moms, however, have never reminded us of all they went through.  Rarely would a mom tell a child of the excruciating pain she endured in the birth process.  In fact, I'm reminded of the words of Jesus in John 16:21, "A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world."  Jesus points out that we can so grateful for our moms in light of what they tolerated just so we could have a life.

I realize some reading this may not have had a loving and caring mom.  She may have been abusive and mean.  Yet, even at that, she did give you birth.  And, it is up to us to respond in a loving way even to those who hurt us.  This year, if she is still alive, order her some flowers and call her to tell her you love her and that the Lord loves her.

For those of us who have loving and caring moms it is imperative on us to let our moms know how much we appreciate all they have done for us.  Long days and long nights were part of their lives.  They fed us, changed our diapers, and kissed our scraped knees.  They washed our clothes, took us wherever we needed to be, and rarely complained.  These moms live out Jesus' words.

On Sunday, if your mom is still alive you MUST call her to tell her how grateful you are for her love.  If you can, either take her out to eat or fix lunch at home and YOU do the dishes.  Then, even when it isn't Mother's Day, show her you love her.


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