Archive for January, 2015

Reputation Review

church sign


Church signs, don't you just love them?  These signs can produce some of the most simple or most inane messages ever!  Signs tell  us a lot about a church.  If they are well maintained and easy to read, they tell us the people care about their message.  If they are unkempt and neglected, it may speak to the fact the church has forgotten why they are here.  

Take the sign just above, what does it say about the church?  Well, either the person who put the sign up wanted to make a statement about their pastor, or they didn't really read what they put up.  I would like to think it is the later.  Signs tell people more about us than we might be willing to admit.

Jesus wrote 7 letters to 7 churches in Asia Minor.  These letters are preserved for us in the Apostle John's writing, "The Book of the Revelation."  A case is laid out to each church concerning commendations and condemnations.  Each letter presents Jesus in a unique way to the church and then goes on to instruct the church on changes that need to be made.  Only the church in Smyrna received no condemnation  for the Lord.  Words like busy, poor, persecuted, compromising, lax, dead, loyal, mission-focused, lukewarm, and even Christ-less are descriptive of these churches.

In our Sunday night services I have been taking time for us to look at these churches.  Each church has a primary focus, a practical focus and personal focus.  Both the church and the individuals who make up the church can learn lessons on how we should live for the Lord in this wicked world.  To four of the seven churches the word "repent" is spoken.  The call to repentance points to the need of the churches to change their ways.  Going away from the Lord and cooperating with the world is the wrong path.  The message to repent needed to be heard and heeded.

What is the reputation of our churches before the Lord and the world?  What do people say about us and our Saviour?  Then, what is the reputation we have about ourselves?  When people look at us, do they see the Lord?

The worst accusation that was laid at the feet of these churches comes in Revelation 3:20 when Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me."  Often this door is spoken of as the door of our heart.  But, if we keep the context clear, the door is actually the door of the church!  Jesus is on the outside of His church seeking to get in.  He has been banished from His own church.  Warner Sallman painted one of the most recognizable pictures in evangelical Christianity.  The picture depicts Jesus standing at a door knocking.  Although he wanted it to represent the door of our heart, I believe the door is the door of the church.  If you were to look closely at the painting you would notice no door knob is drawn on the outside of the door.  To get in, Jesus must be invited in by those inside.

Today consider if our churches have put Jesus outside.  Or, consider whether we as His children have relegated Him to the outside of our lives.  If so, be sure to hear the knocking and open the door.