Archive for February, 2014

Are you remembering?

ImageHow’s your questioning?  I know, sometimes we are told that questioning things is a sign of doubt.  That can be true.  But, other times asking questions is a sign of interest.  So, I’ll ask you again, how’s your questioning?

Today I want to remind you that Sunday is coming and we will be remembering the Lord Jesus Christ via our Communion service.  We have a Communion service each month on the first Sunday.  For many of us we have been doing this for MANY years!  So, maybe it has become simply a ritual we put up with.  But, this Sunday we will be doing some things that will shake things up.  We will have some unfamiliar aspects in the service.

During the Seder meal that the Jews celebrate each year at Passover a series of four questions are asked.  These questions are designed to elicit a response to point out the reason the meal is being held.  The questions aren’t necessarily being asked for information people don’t know the answers to.  Rather, it gives the leader another opportunity to tell the story of Passover, the most important night in the history of Israel.

Sunday we will ask a series of five questions to direct our thoughts to the purpose of Communion.  These questions are similar to the questions asked at the Seder meal.  They will direct our thoughts away from the service and unto the Lord Himself.

One poet put it this way:

Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus
Losing sight of all but Thee,
Oh what joy Thy presence gives us,
Calling up our hearts to Thee.

Notice the wording that points us to  Jesus.  The poet says that during the Communion service we are be “Losing sight of all but Thee.” As you approach Sunday be asking the Lord to do that for you.  You can ask yourself questions about Jesus and His work.  The hymn “Lead Me to Calvary” has this chorus, “Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget Thine agony, lest I forget Thy love for me, lead me to Calvary.”  Go to Calvary to see past the cross, the pain and the suffering to see Jesus.

Another poet said this,

Amidst us our Beloved stands,
And bids us view His pierced hands;
Points to the wounded feet and side,
Blest emblems of the Crucified.

Come Sunday prepared to celebrate the Lord’s Table with us.  What are your questions?


Communion – Are you ready?


When Jesus met with His disciples  on that last night together He knew it would be their last meal, but they didn’t.  They were going through yet another Paschal meal, one like all the others.  The ritual, the songs, the ceremony were designed to bring to their minds the events of Passover night.  Each element prepared them for the offering of their passover lamb.  Each one would have concluded that this night was no different than any other night.  But, oh were they wrong.

The Jewish cycle of life is designed to stir the memory.  Throughout the Old Testament the Lord set aside certain celebrations or places to remind them of where they had come from and where they were going.  Throughout the Book of Joshua we meet a series of piles of stones used for this reason.  The piles were placed at different spots so the younger could ask the older, “What is that pile of stones for?”  Each memory was to be as fresh as at first.

But, over the years the freshness became stale.  The memories became blurred.  And, the worshippers become dull to the real reason for the celebration.  Even to his day Jewish folks gather for the celebration of Passover without realizing the most important part; that it points to Messiah Jesus.  In the entire service each element is yet another signpost pointing to Jesus.  Yet, being blind to spiritual matters they simply go through the motions.

Sunday morning we will once again celebrate the Lord’s Table, Communion, or the Lord’s Supper.  Our celebration goes by many different names.  However, it has one main purpose; to remind of of Jesus.  The words above our the key to what we do and why we do it.  Each part of the service is designed to point us away from ourself and unto Jesus.  It’s truly not about us, but rather, it’s about Him.

Would you begin now to prepare your heart for Communion?  Would you look deeply into your heart to be sure your saved and walking in obedience to the Lord?  Don’t wait until Sunday morning to prepare your heart.  Begin now.

Communion tray

“This do, in remembrance of me.”

Thanksgiving Day – Today?


What a crazy picture, right?  Have I lost my mind?  Have I misread my calendar?  Could it be Thanksgiving Day already?  What happened to our summer vacation?  What happened to Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, and Labor day?  I must be really confused.

Well, not exactly.  I’m just trying to get your attention!  Do I have it yet?  For the next few minutes please give me your undivided attention.

We have so relegated giving thanks to a day on the calendar that sometimes we have forgotten that we are to be thankful all the time.  Every day of our life should be a day of thankfulness.  Regularly and continually we should be offering our praise to God, our Heavenly Father.  Thanking Him should be more than a yearly exercise.

And, even more forgotten is that giving thanks isn’t designed just for the good things in life.  Of, believe me, we are to give God thanks for all those “good and perfect” which come down from Him.  But, thankfulness should emanate from our hearts even when things are not as we expected.  Difficulties as well as blessing are to be received with a heart of thankfulness.

Maybe the most familiar account in the Word of God concerning thankfulness or the lack thereof, is the account of the ten lepers.  Luke 17:11-19 records this event.  Jesus gave healing to ten desperately needy lepers.  Yet, when the healing was received only one returned to give Him thanks.  Is 10% really the right percentage of thankful people?  Shouldn’t it be 100%?

What about us, do we give God thanks everyday for every thing?  Sunday morning we will look at this important subject as we continue to proceed through the Book of Ephesians.  Come to worship with us.



Sing the Love of God


Today is Valentine’s Day. I would imagine each of us have loved ones we need to express our love to.  This expression of love could be to our moms and dads, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, or other family and friends.  This day has been set aside on the calendar as a remembrance of more than one saint named Valentine.  In these cases it reflects one who lived with the love of God in their hearts.  It wasn’t until the days of Chaucer that the thought of love turned to a romanic love.

Valentine’s Day is also remembered for a brutal attack that is anything but an expression of love.  On Valentine’s Day 1929 members of the Al Capone gang murdered seven members of the Bugsy Moran gang in cold blood.  This event has been known as the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.” What a sad reminder of the hate some people express.

Of all the love we will ever experience from family and friends, none is more important than the love we experience from the Lord Himself.  The Apostle John, who would come to be remembered as the :apostle of love,” wrote in 1 John 3:1, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us…”  Even into eternity we will never be able to understand all there is to know of God’s love for us.  At the death of Lazarus, when Jesus wept, just before raising him from the dead, the onlookers said, “Behold how He loved him.”  God’s love for us was demonstrated most emphatically upon the cross of Jesus.

Could we ever out love God?  Certainly not.  But, none the less, we are to respond in love to our Saviour and others.  Jesus summed up the whole Mosaic Law into two statements; love God, love others.  On this Valentine’s Day, consider how much you love God and others.  Be ready to be one who will reach out in love as deeply as God reached out in love to you.

Listen to this beautiful rendition of an old song about the love of God sung by Mercy Me.

Music of the Soul


Have you ever asked someone this question, “What kind of music do YOU like?”  Wow, “them’s fighting’ words, pardner.”

As we have progressed through Ephesians 5:18-20 we have come to the subject of music.  Every Spirit filled believer will have music in his or her heart.  No one can be filled and controlled by God’s Spirit who will not have a song in their soul.  This music is the response of our heart to the grace and love of the Lord.  We can see life through the eyes of Him who leads and guides our walk.  Here is a song you need to listen to.  It’s  a great song about a “Song in my Soul.”

Sunday morning we will return to the subject of singing and music.  We will look at some different types of music and the audience of our songs.

Do you have music in your soul?  Do you overflow with joy as you are led by the Spirit of God?  Come Sunday to study this important subject with us.