Communion – Are you ready?


When Jesus met with His disciples  on that last night together He knew it would be their last meal, but they didn’t.  They were going through yet another Paschal meal, one like all the others.  The ritual, the songs, the ceremony were designed to bring to their minds the events of Passover night.  Each element prepared them for the offering of their passover lamb.  Each one would have concluded that this night was no different than any other night.  But, oh were they wrong.

The Jewish cycle of life is designed to stir the memory.  Throughout the Old Testament the Lord set aside certain celebrations or places to remind them of where they had come from and where they were going.  Throughout the Book of Joshua we meet a series of piles of stones used for this reason.  The piles were placed at different spots so the younger could ask the older, “What is that pile of stones for?”  Each memory was to be as fresh as at first.

But, over the years the freshness became stale.  The memories became blurred.  And, the worshippers become dull to the real reason for the celebration.  Even to his day Jewish folks gather for the celebration of Passover without realizing the most important part; that it points to Messiah Jesus.  In the entire service each element is yet another signpost pointing to Jesus.  Yet, being blind to spiritual matters they simply go through the motions.

Sunday morning we will once again celebrate the Lord’s Table, Communion, or the Lord’s Supper.  Our celebration goes by many different names.  However, it has one main purpose; to remind of of Jesus.  The words above our the key to what we do and why we do it.  Each part of the service is designed to point us away from ourself and unto Jesus.  It’s truly not about us, but rather, it’s about Him.

Would you begin now to prepare your heart for Communion?  Would you look deeply into your heart to be sure your saved and walking in obedience to the Lord?  Don’t wait until Sunday morning to prepare your heart.  Begin now.

Communion tray

“This do, in remembrance of me.”

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