What do we do with precious things?


What do we do with precious things?  Normally, we treat them carefully and protect them cautiously.  

What would you do with a 45 carat diamond?  Nearly 400 years ago a very special diamond was found in India.  Once it was found it became a most sought after gem stone.  Passing through many hands over the years it eventually became the property of the Smithsonian Institute in 1958.  This diamond, known as the Hope Diamond, is on display for all to see.  As the picture above shows, it can only be seen and not touched.  Many admirers come by to wonder what it would be like to touch it, handle it or even own it!  It is heavily guarded and kept away from human touch.  That, my friends, is what we do with something we consider precious.

Yet, how different it is with the most precious Person this world has ever seen.  Unlike the Hope diamond, which is not able to be touched or handled with human hands, the Apostle John tells us in 1 John 1:1-4 that Jesus was seen, touched, handled and manifested to us.  John says that Jesus dwelt among us and was seen.  His life was not "under glass" or so guarded that we can not touch Him.

During the Christmas holidays we are able to investigate our hearts to see what it is we treasure most.  What motivates us to even celebrate during this season?  Are we more focused upon the gifts rather than The Gift?  Isn't it interesting that Jesus talked about the "pearl of great price." But, He wasn't talking about the Hope Diamond!  Jesus is referring to the value of the gospel message being presented to us.  The value of the message of salvation was also described as a hidden treasure by Jesus.  How valuable do we treasure the message of Christ.

Sunday we will look at the subject of what we treasure, especially through the eyes of the Apostle Peter.  If you can take time this week to read the books of 1 and 2 Peter, please do so.  As you read, note the various places Peter talks about what is precious.  For a man who lost sight of what is most valuable, only to regain his perspective, we can learn what we should hold dear.

During this season, investigate Jesus.  Put Him to the test.  I have no worries that He not will prove to be just who He says He is.



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