

How foolish are we?  We are surrounded by foolsish things and foolish choices.  Some of these "foolish" things are harmless.  We enjoy laughter and fun while we do some "foolish" things.  Butl other foolish choices are harmful.  They will bring dire consequences we didn't expect.  

This week our mission's team and I are in soutehrn Thailand for LIFE Camp.  LIFE camp is a yearly gathering of Thai churches to present the gospel through teaching English.  For 22 years the gospel has been shared, English has been taught, and relationships have been formed.  Eternal dividends are being made by the lost being saved.

This week the Lord led me to talk about foolishness and its consequences.  We've looked at things like how foolish it is to not plan for eternity. or to accept a lie as the truth, or to put off until tomorrow to make a decision for the Lord.  In each case a terrible consequence will be experienced in eternity.  Foolishness will always lead to harmful results.  Or, do they?

One foolishness that leads to good results is preaching.  The Apaostle Paul said that the "foolishness of the message preached" will bring people to faith.  He said that many will see the  message of sin, salvation and a Saviour as utter nonsense.  They, like Festus, will call us crazy.  But, who, really, is the crazy one?

If I tell a person they have a counterfiet $20 bill, and they try to spend it anyway, who is the fool?  It's not me for telling them.  Rather, it is the one who didn't listen to good advice.  If they are arrested for spending the counterfiet they have only themselves to blame.

Please pray for the Lord to bring these at LIFE camp to the truth and to faith.  We are praying many will flee the foolshiness of sin to the foolishness of the message of Jesus Christ.

Language Barrier?


Have you ever traveled to a different country where English isn’t spoken?  Can you remember how frustrating it was to not be able to even say hello?  You couldn’t order McDonalds or Starbucks without pointing!  Then, when you found a person who spoke some English it was hard to communicate because of their limited vocabulary of English and your lack of any vocabulary if their language.  What a hassle.  Well, you can blame the folks at Babel!

When God created mankind we all spoke the same language; of course it was English! :-)  Whatever language  it was, everyone on the planet spoke the same language.  No language barrier existed between anyone.  Then, the fateful decision by the populace to build a large tower “to the heavens.”  In making this decision, God decided to confuse the languages so people would have a hard time joining forces.  Can you imagine waking up one day and not being able to understand others?  This would have caused great fear and suspicion.  Because of this, people of the same language groups huddled together and went their own way.  From then until now we have had difficulty understanding different languages.

Because English has become the trade language around the world many people want to learn to speak it.  They desire to be trained in English so they can get better jobs and have a better life.  So, many ministries around the world have offered English classes as a way to get the gospel into the hearts of people who might otherwise be closed to the Word of God.  Each year for over 20 years some of the churches in Thailand join forces for a concentrated outreach using English learning.  Again this year a team from our church are traveling to Thailand to conduct English camps.  While you’re reading this our team is in Northern Thailand doing this very thing.

October 17-20 will be a large gathering for LIFE Camp.  LIFE Camp stands for Learning, Intensive, Free, English.  For three days folks gather to teach English, learn English, share the gospel, hear the gospel, and reach out.  I know our team would appreciate your prayers on our behalf.  Without YOU praying, our efforts will not be as effective.  Pray for clarity as we teach English and for the translator to be clear as he makes Pastor’s messages understandable to the campers.

Acts 8:30 records a question Philipp asked a man on his way home who was reading the Book of Isaiah.  He asked this question, “Do you understand what you are reading?”  The man could understand words on a page, but he couldn’t understand the meaning of what he was reading.  It took Philipp getting into his chariot and explaining the Word of God to him so the Holy Spirit could open his heart to the Gospel.  Our prayer is that as we teach the Holy Spirit will open hearts to the true meaning of the Word.  Please be praying for this on our behalf.

Language is powerful tool.  But, we must be able to use it properly if we are to be understood.  May each of us pray for God to powerfully bring His Word into the ears and hearts of people around the world.

Rags to Riches

rags to riches

Have you ever dreamed about when your “ship comes in?  Maybe you’ve thought how great it would be to win that BIG lottery jackpot?  You and I have been raised to think riches and money are the solution to all of our problems.  But, if you searched for the winners of these type of “rags to riches” stories you would find many of them end up in bankruptcy.  And, though they “won it all” they found that it brought no lasting joy.

Growing up, maybe you remember the TV show, “Fresh Prince of Bel Air”?  It was the story of a young boy growing up in West Philadelphia whose mother became concerned for his safety and sent him to live with his uncle in Bel Air…  Ok, as you read this, I would love to know how many of you are reciting the words of the opening song?  Certainly, Will went from rags to riches.

A few years earlier the Jeffersons were “moving on up to the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky.”  Again, I would love to know how many of you are singing that song?  The Jeffersons got to experience life in the rich and fast lane. By the way, depending on which one of these you can recite tells me what generation you are in! :-)

Well, a young shepherd, forgotten and overlooked by everyone except the Lord, moved from the smelly confines of a sheep fold to the aromatic environs of the palace!  David went from rags to riches.  God lifted him from obscurity to be the king’s right hand man.  Overnight he moved into the lap of luxury of the king’s life.  But, even then, he didn’t permanently move into the palace.  He would go between the sheep fold and the palace.

On Sunday we will continue our look into the life of David.  He is now the anointed successor to King Saul.  He is as good as already the king in God’s plan.  But, many years would pass between the anticipation of the throne and the experience.  Please be reading 1 Samuel 16:13-23 to prepare your heart for this episode in David’s life.

What would you do if you were taken from your current situation to the life of the “rich and famous”?  For some of us we would forget about God and just live and enjoy all of our new toys.  Is that what happens to David?  Let’s see

Stumbling and Falling


Tripping, I would assume we have all done it.  When we’re not paying attention to our surroundings we can easily trip over something that is out in the open.  In the illustration above you will note that a cell phone is being tossed out of the hand of the one falling!  Many, many people are more interested in their texts, emails or calls on their cell phones they are oblivious to what’s actually around them. They will bump into people, animals, cars or just about anything that is in their way.

One key to not tripping and falling on our face is to be observant of what is around us.  That car or person or animal weren’t hiding behind anything.  Rather, they are in plain sight.  And, with just a little bit of good vision we would easily step around it.  But, being focused upon the wrong thing we fall flat on our face!  There goes our pride. :-)

Spiritually we are prone to tripping and falling for the same reason.  Because we get our eyes on the wrong things we are in danger of falling.  The Apostle Jude has reminded us that false teachers and teaching are all around us.  Some of it is right out in the open, while others are more hidden.  But, in either case, if we are alert and have our eyes properly focused we will not be tripped up.

You may have been the spiritual race long enough that you might be getting weary and tired.  Maybe you’ve just about played out all of your strength in standing against the enemies around you.  In this weakened state it is even easier to fall.  That is why Jude reminds us, “Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling…”  Our great and powerful God is able to keep us upright and marching on in victory.  Sometimes He uses others to come alongside and lift us up!

At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona Spain Derek Redmond got ready to run the 400 meter semifinal race.  He was a shoo-in to make the finals.  Approximately 175 meters from the finish Derek’s hamstring popped and his race was over, or so it seemed.  This day, he may not win, but he would FINISH.  As he hobbled to the finish line a man came running onto the track.  Officials tried to stop him until they heard him say, “That’s my son.”  Derek’s dad is reported to have said his son, “You don’t have to do this.”  To which Derek replied, “Oh yes I do.”  His father said, “Then we will finish this race together.”  And they did.  No, he didn’t win a medal.  He just won the hearts of the 65,000 plus fans who were standing, cheering and urging him on.

Have you tripped because you took your eyes off the Lord?  Are you fallen along the way because you became distracted by other things?  Do we see people needing our assistance?  May we stay in the race by keeping our focus upon the One who is able to keep us from falling.  But, if we do, let’s not stay on the turf.  Let’s get up and finish the race.  And, along the way, we just might be the person who comes to the aid of those who have fallen.

Is there not a cause?


Is there not a cause?  This rather famous statement was uttered by a young shepherd boy named David.  He came upon a scene he didn’t expect.  He arrived at a battlefield that actually wasn’t a battlefield!  Soldiers were present from both sides.  Land was disputed and purposes voiced.  The enemy came to engage the army of the Lord every day.  yet, none would step up to fight.  When the young, inexperienced boy arrived his heart was stirred.  He heard the words of the enemy and his indignation arose because this enemy dared to defy the God of Israel.  For the sake of God’s name little David was read to fight.  And, fight he did.

Today many are ready to find their cause in any number of places.  These are a few of the “causes” I found; Paws for a cause; Birthday for a cause; Canvass for a cause; Suits for a cause; Shop for a cause; and donate for a cause.  Some will remember the popular movie from 1955, “Rebel without a Cause.”  It seems for many years the theme of a cause has caught people’s attention.  Today I want to ask you, “What is the cause you are living, and maybe dying, for?”

In the years following World War 2 a flood of missionaries followed God’s call to the four corners of the world.  Young, underpaid, and inexperienced they left the comforts of “home” to go to where God had called.  Most left for their fields of service, not on giant planes, arriving in but a few hours.  Rather, they boarded freighters bound for the “regions beyond.”  Some would take three to six months aboard these ships planning and waiting for the day they would arrive.  Everything they brought with them were in barrels, suitcases and on their backs.  Without language or much money, they would embark upon a lifetime of service.

As I write this my eyes are filled with tears thinking of one of these dedicated, faithful servants of God.  He has been to me a tremendous encouragement, though I don’t really know him well. Harry and Lyn Ambacher headed to the city of Hong Kong in 1969.  They, like so many before them, boarded a freighter and headed off.  At the time Hong Kong was the “most crowded city” in the world.  The British, then in control of Hong Kong, decided to spread out the city into outlying areas.  Eight “satellite cities” were planned and built.  It was into one of these new cities Harry and Lyn went.  Over the next nearly 25 years God would use them to plant four churches across these new cities.  In time Lyn would be struck with Alzheimer’s and they would be forced to leave the field.  But, the field never left them.  Eventually Lyn wold be ushered into the presence of her Saviour.  But, Harry would continue on.  But, he would begin to suffer the effects of Parkinson’s, yet still serve on.

This dear saint of God has never stopped serving.  I have begun a study of the life of King David.  You know, the young man with a cause.  I knew Harry had taught courses on the Life of King David.  So, I wrote to him for any help he could be.  He very graciously sent me material.  Just before I was to preach my first message in this series I received yet another note from him.  In it he gave me some really good things to think about.  But, what touched my heart more than anything was when he said, “I would love to be in the first row cheering.”  Well, you can be assured, I will consider Harry in the first row cheering me on.  How can it get any better than that!?

Do YOU have a cause?  I mean, a real one you can give your life to.  The Lord has given me the privilege of meeting and knowing many others who, like Harry and Lyn, have given their lives to their call and not looked back.  I know the days for these dear saints were not always easy.  Yet, they have kept in their hearts the knowledge of Who they are serving.  Please allow me to quote a bit from a letter I received just yesterday from my “cheering” friend. “Autumn sweeps over Hong Kong with beautiful sunsets and clear mornings.  We often have our baptisms in October, with the new Christians crowded around the baptismal pool.  It is a custom for friends to give flowers to their friends.  We have so many memories of autumn.  In the early years, when we were helping Pastor Teddy Cheng those years were an encouragement.  Later, as our 4th church joined the others, we saw again how God could build His church.”

May the life of King David and people like Harry and Lyn Ambacher stir us on to greater service for God.  Who will go to serve?  You?




When was the last time you either ate at a buffet or at a pot luck?  For me, I eat at Home Town Buffet at least once a month for a lunch with fellow pastors, and, we have regular pot luck meals at church.  If I’m not careful, and often I’m not, I’ll go to the dessert table first!  You know, so many people are crowding around the entree table that I just figure it is a good use of my time to eat dessert first.  No, mind you, I still eat dessert last as well!  But, it starts off the meal so well.

Uncertainties surround us.  What will the weather be like?  Will my favorite sports team win?  What color should I wear?  Where should I eat?  What should I eat?  These questions, and many more, haunt us every day.  If we just knew the future we would never worry or fret.  We could simply glide along knowing what would happen.  Or, so we think this is what would happen.  Because, what is coming isn’t always a good thing!  Instead of feeling a loss when it comes, if we knew the future we would feel it even before we experienced it.  Uncertainities can be a good thing.

Imagine for a moment that I knew the San Francisco Giants would win the 2012 World Series at the beginning of the season.  One thing I would have never done was get to worried when they lost.  I would have simply consoled myself with the reality that they would eventually win it all.  The joy of knowing ahead of time that they would win would have given me a sense of joy all season.  But, what if I had known ahead of time what the outcome of the 2002 World Series would be?  My feelings would have been so different.  I would not have been excited at any win because I would have known that they would eventually lose in the seventh game!  The uncertainty caused me to watch and hope.

Our everyday lives have much uncertainty built into them.  What blessings is God ready to shower down upon me?  What trials is God ready to take me through?  What will the next call be about?  In all of these circumstances I can take refuge in the knowledge that my Lord will do all things for my benefit and good.  And, He will do all things for His glory.  He will provide His peace along the uncertain trail I walk.

We are about to embark upon a journey to survey the life of King David.  Since it is ALL history to us, we might have a tendency to become a bit frustrated with all of David’s moods and choices.  Certainly we will learn about choices he should have been better at.  But, in some parts of his life if he could have known the future than he could have reacted differently.  But, while hiding in the caves to escape from King Saul’s wrath, he was prone to fear.  But, I suspect that is exactly the same feeling we would have had, and do have in our lives today.

Join us while we study the life of the great and godly king.  We begin this Sunday morning.  If you are not able to be here, you can watch our live stream each Sunday morning.  Or, you can listen throughout the week to the podcast.  Wether you are here with us or join us via the internet, I am praying these messages will strengthen us in our walk.  

Forsaken, Abandoned, Neglected


Look at that picture carefully.  What do you see?  What was once a hustling, bustling mall is now an abandoned, lonely, dead complex.  The escalator no longer functions.  The foliage is dead.  The stores are all gone.  And, most importantly, no shoppers will ever frequent this mall again.  Its only function now is to be a place to explore and think about what was.

Abandoned, forsaken, deserted, discarded, left, or shelved.  All of these words describe the act of leaving behind something that we once held dear.  A place that once teemed with people is replaced with newer places and the old is discarded.   Why?  Why did this mall close?  Why did people stop coming.  Why did it happen that on a day years ago the doors were closed for the last time?  

The same questions can be asked of so many places like amusement parks, malls, office buildings, entire cities and homes.  We have terms for them; ghost towns, haunted houses, relics of the past, and urban decay.  No easy answer exists that could cover all of these situations.  But, in the end, they are all the same.  They are left to deteriorate until they final collapse under the weight of neglect.

Can this happen to a church?  Can churches become a “relic of the past”?  Can a church that once was full of life and worship be closed and left to rot?  They sure can.  Without properly guarding the body, a church can be filled with cancer and die out.

I’m sure you know the word “zombie.” It is a mythical figure that though it is dead it seems to be alive. Obviously no zombies actually exist, right?  Well, Jesus said some interesting things to the Church in Sardis.  Revelation 3:1-6 describes for us this church that Jesus said looks alive but is actually dead.  We could call it the “Zombie Baptist Church.” They are signs of life like activities and gatherings.  But, though an appearance of life is seen. it is actually DEAD.  What a sad account.

Sunday we will conclude our look at the Church of Ephesus.  We will center our thoughts on the conclusion of the matter.  I would love for you to be here to study this final lesson with us.  We will learn some lessons that we may never be described by the words spoken to the Church in Sardis.  

One thing we can be assured of is that if we are not on guard to the threats to our existence, we as First Baptist Church will simply suffer the fate of the Church of Ephesus, and Sardis.  Oh may it never be said of us that we the “walking dead.”

Leaving an Impact


Leaving an impact, everyone does it.  Everyone we meet laves an impact on us, and everyone we meet we leave an impact on.  Sometimes it is a good thing, while other times it’s a negative thing.  But, good or bad we leave an impact.

Notice how a small drop into water leaves its impact.  Ripples spread out from where it hits so anyone can tell the water’s surface was disturbed.  Yet, it only a few moments that affect is gone.  The fact that the drop impacted the water will soon be forgotten.

I remember hearing a speaker share a good illustration of making an impact.  He said, if you want to see how much impact we often make, put your hand in a bucket of water and begin swirling it around.  After you have created quite a disturbance, remove your hand.  For awhile the affects of your swirling will remain.  Yet, after not so long a time, the water returns to same placid state in which you found it!  So much for lasting impact.

Yet, on the other hand, let’s think of a different type of impact.  Have you ever been visiting a tourist spot and seen a machine that will stamp a penny with an image of the place?  I have.  For fifty cents and one penny I can make an object, impacted or imprinted, with the image and keep it for all time.  The old image is overlaid by the new one.  Though it’s still just a copper coin, the face of Lincoln is gone for the picture of the attraction.  No longer is it “spendable.”  Rather, it now bears the impact and image of a new stamp.  This permanent impact and change is the kind of impact we should seek to leave on people around us.

Whose life are you leaving a lasting impact for the Lord?  Are you intentionally attempting to leave this kind of impact on others?  Each of us are to be engaged in impact ministries.  

Think about it.

Trouble, Trouble, Trouble

trouble - yellow

“Trouble was my middle name,” so sang Tennessee Ernie Ford in the song “16 Tons.”  “We’ve got trouble, right here in River City,” so sang Robert Preston in “The Music Man.”  And, Eliphaz says in the Book of Job, “Yet man is born to trouble, as sparks fly upward.”  It seems trouble is everywhere, affects everyone, and touches everything!  I guess we just can not escape trouble in this world.  Trouble, stress, difficulties, problems and heartaches are all normal for each one of us.  During our life time we will all pass through problems.

As we l I’ve our life since we cannot escape trouble, the question then becomes, “How am I going to respond to trouble?”  Recently the Giants were playing a baseball game in Chicago when the heavens opened up and dumped a deluge of rain for about 15 minutes.  When it began to rain the grounds crew attempted to cover the field with a tarp.  But, due to improperly storing it the last time it had been used, the field didn’t get covered properly.  In those short 15 minutes the field became unplayable.  Simply because no shield was found to protect the field, the game was eventually suspended.  Without the proper protection the game couldn’t go on.  Was it the rain’s fault?  Or, rather, was it the fault of the lack of a tarp covering the field?  I would opt for the second suggestion!

You see, it isn’t the trouble that causes us to suffer as much as our lack of properly handling the trouble.  Getting in out of the rain, or finding a safe place to hide from an enemy or getting into the shade to protect us from the sun are all necessary steps to keep us from further trouble.  Have you ever done something so dumb you lived with the consequences?  When your car broke down on the side of the road, did you just want to get out and kick it?  Would that have helped? Certainly not.  But, more often than not that is our first reaction.  But, if we kicked the car, we might just be in bigger trouble with a broken foot!

The Psalmist says that man has trouble. (Psalm 46:1) He says that we will all experience tight places and feel like the walls are caving in around us.  We will feel like there is no escape.  At that point we will be in danger of giving up hope and giving in to the trouble.  But, the Psalmist points us to the One Who can help.  He says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  We can escape to the loving arms of our Heavenly Father.  In our weakness He will lift us up.  He will give us strength for the day.  Notice the word, “very.”  Not only is our Lord  with us, He is “very present” with us.  His grace, mercy, peace and strength are given in abundance.  We never need to wonder where we can find the way of escape.

Are you living in trouble today?  Does it feel like the walls are caving in?  Do you feel like you can not see any way out?  Is the storm raging and you feel like you have no where to go?  Run to Jesus!  He will be your shelter, shade and protection.

Movie Credits – BORING!



Who sits through the movie credits at the end of the movie?  I mean, when it says, "The End," isn't it THE END! Who cares to watch a bunch of names scrolling down the screen, or up, that you don't know.  The only motivation to watch is if you happen to know someone whose name will appear.  But, otherwise we switch off the movie when the names appear.

It's kinda like that with Paul's Epistles.  At the end of most of his letters he begins either a short or long list of people he wants to mention.  Because these names are, 1) hard to pronounce, 2) unknown to us, and 3) after the end, we have a tendency to just skip over these names.  Why?  Because they're like movie credits just rolling on the screen.